Medical Badge




Awarded to members of the Army Medical
Department, Naval Medical Department, Air Force Medical Service
or Special Forces Medical Service who are in the grade of
colonel or below while assigned or attached to a medical unit of
company or smaller size organic to an infantry/special forces
unit during any period the unit was engaged in active ground
combat subsequent to 6 December 1941. Only one award is
authorized for service in Vietnam, Laos, the Dominican Republic,
Korea (subsequent to 4 January 1969), El Salvador, Grenada,
Panama, Southwest Asia and Somalia, regardless of whether
an individual has served in one or more of these areas. Specific
eligibility requirements by geographic area are listed in Army
Regulation 600-8-22.
An oxidized silver badge
1 inch in height and 1 ½ inches in width, consisting of a
stretcher crossed by a caduceus surmounted at top by a Greek
cross, all on and over an elliptical oak wreath. Stars are added
to indicate subsequent awards; one star at top for the second
award, one star at top and one at bottom for the third award,
one star at top and one at each side for the fourth award.
The medical corps insignia of branch,
modified by the addition of a greek cross suggesting the Geneva
Convention between the wings and the entwined serpents,
signifies the recipient’s skills and expertise. It is
superimposed upon a stretcher alluding to medical field service.
The oak symbolizes steadfastness, strength and loyalty.
Subdued badges are authorized in metal and cloth.
The metal badge is black. The cloth badge has an olive green base cloth
with the stretcher, caduceus, cross, wreath and stars embroidered in
dress miniature badge, 19/32 inch in height is authorized.
The combat medical badge was approved on 29
January 1945. In February 1951, the proposal to designate the badge as a
one-time award was rescinded and it was approved for subsequent award
during specified periods. The addition of stars to indicate subsequent
awards was also approved.
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